A Worldwide Community for Dancers & Rhythm-Lovers

The only thing you will ever need for anything dance related.
the "Dance Unites Us" text logo in white with slight neon cyan and magenta in the background
the "Dance Unites Us" text logo in white with slight neon cyan and magenta in the background
modern dance floor with big disco-ball handing above it that represents the world
modern dance floor with big disco-ball handing above it that represents the world
the Dance Unites Us app logo that shows a location pin with neon light and an LP with a globe in its middle
the Dance Unites Us app logo that shows a location pin with neon light and an LP with a globe in its middle

The All-In-One-App for

silhouette of a couple dancing in orange and turquoise colors
silhouette of a couple dancing in orange and turquoise colors
icon showing a pair of dancing shoes in an orange heart
icon showing a pair of dancing shoes in an orange heart
silhouette of professional looking dancers on an orange background
silhouette of professional looking dancers on an orange background
Dance Professionals & Businesses

DanceUnites is where our love for dancing & rhythm connects us all.

who aim to enhance their performance by marketing to a targeted audience, networking with peers in the dance community, and establishing connections.

who need an easy way into the dancing community to truly start enjoying their new-found interest by connecting with the right people, places and info.

who yearn for like-minded dance lovers, never ending dance events and a sense of belonging - no matter whether in their home towns or while travelling abroad.

Are you a Dance Beginner tired of...

a ballroom dance couple dancing on a beautiful stage with cyan and orange smoke and lights setting the stage
a ballroom dance couple dancing on a beautiful stage with cyan and orange smoke and lights setting the stage

going to classes always worrying that there will be a partner to dance with?





not knowing where and with whom to practice your new skills in 'the real world'?

being overwhelmed by all the information of what accessories to buy, from what brand and ideally without breaking the bank?

feeling like there's a whole world to discover but you don't have the key to uncover all its secrets?

You're 1 Click
away from your
Easy Way In!

a female dance beginner who looks longingly to the dance floor of a ballroom dance class
a female dance beginner who looks longingly to the dance floor of a ballroom dance class

Are you a Hobby Dancer tired of...

happy couple dancing enthusiastically on a brightly lit stage
happy couple dancing enthusiastically on a brightly lit stage

scrolling endlessly through social media groups and still not finding that reliable dance partner to explore the rhythm and grace of the dance floor with?






spending too much on expensive brands, missing out on juicy discounts or good second-hand places to buy from?

feeling like a solo dancer - or worse - not daring to go out dancing in the first place because you don't know where or with whom? Both at home or while traveling?

missing out on an active dance life or hearing about events after they happen?

wishing you could do more to spread the dancing spirit and help unite people and cultures but not knowing how to make a real impact?

You're 1 Click away
from your Solution!

male dancer that is frustrated and kneels on a wooden stage
male dancer that is frustrated and kneels on a wooden stage

Are you a Dance-Scene Professional tired of...

sad-looking female dancer with a ballet classroom in the background
sad-looking female dancer with a ballet classroom in the background

having your business stuck in the warm-up zone because you lack the resources for a full routine into marketing?






hesitating to grow your dance business because of the unpredictable rhythm of new markets?

struggling to find a standout choreographer, performer, artist, or dance talent who can truly electrify your project?

searching the dance world for job openings, only to find them as elusive as a perfect score in a dance competition?

people treating your dance career like a hobby, overlooking the skill, strength, and dedication it takes to excel professionally?

You're 1 Click away
from your Solution!

beautiful female dancer that is being put onto the spotlight with photographers surrounding her
beautiful female dancer that is being put onto the spotlight with photographers surrounding her

Don't take our word for it - this is the feedback we got from people using Dance Unites Us.

Here's how Dance Unites Us is helping
folk just like yourself!

"Absolutely in love with this app; it's already replaced several of my go-to platforms for dance communities. Getting the word out to my circles because what you've created here is genuinely exceptional."

"Recently signed up and I'm already hooked. It's refreshing to see a dedicated space for our dance community. Haven't found anything else out there as useful."

"The app is so intuitive. Checking out dance styles, searching for classes and instructors - everything is just a click away. Combining all dance-related resources into a single platform was a brilliant move. I wouldn't want to go without it anymore."

Sarah S.
Contact-Dance, Berlin/DE

Neil Y.
Ballroom, Tokyo/JP

Raul M.
Bachata, Salvador/BR

Contact us

We're human - well, merfolk ;-) - and we love to hear from you! Whether it's feedback, a question or a business proposition! We're only a message in a bottle away <3

digital art that shows the fusion of cyan and turquoise waves fusing into one
digital art that shows the fusion of cyan and turquoise waves fusing into one