personified disco-ball that acts as customer-support agent

Bazaar FAQ

Dance Unites Us SUPPORT

How can I get listed on the shop page of Dance Unites Us?

If you're in the dance or dance-related business yourself, you know someone who is or you offer any other service or product that could interest someone who is, please fill out this form so that we can get a partnership set up.

Why do I have to be premium to list second hand items & my services?

The short answer: Because you're promoting something that you'll make money with and Dance Unites Us is providing the platform for you to do it.
The long answer: Dance Unites Us is a passion project - we don't have angel investors or anything of the sorts and we're paying everything that you can see on Dance Unites Us ourselves and putting all our free time into this project. We need to somehow cover our costs and prethe premium feature is one of the ways that we can do that. Also, it seems fair that when there is a benefit you'll generate that you'll contribute something in return to the people that make that benefit possible in the first place. This is not based on a percentage of your benefit but you can get premium for as cheap as $30 a year - that's not even the cost of a fancy dinner ;-).

How am I going to get contacted for my second hand or services when someone's interested in them?

Discord - that's the magic answer to everything here :). The "contact" button that people will see seeing your post will open a direct message with you on Discord. So make sure to connect with our Discord server to get these messages. For that, simply click on the "Chat" bubble on the home screen. Also - you can post as "my business account" which then additionally gives you the option of adding your business website so people can also contact you there.

Where's the difference between Service Seekers and Providers?

The main difference is that the first tab "Service Provider" is for professionals of the mermaid & ocean realm to promote their services and business and the second tab "Service Seeker" is for people seeking these professionals.

What kind of things can I add as a Service Seeker?

The second tab of the "Service Exchange" area of Dance Unites Us is for people that are searching anything related to the dancing world. Be that dance class assistant for your latest dance class, an influencer for their media presence, an event planner or performer for their party, a photographer for their newest social post idea or their dance party, a private dance instructor, you name it. So, anything and everything that needs a personalized service and that is related to the dancing & rhythm world should go into this section.

If there is something you have a question about that you don't find answered in the FAQ section, please write to

What kind of things can I add as a Service Provider?

The first tab of the "Service Exchange" area of Dance Unites Us is for people that can actually provide a service to the dancer & rhythm lover community. Whether it is performance video sessions, selling your services as make-up artist, being a dance class assistant, an event planner for a big dance party, renting out dance costumes, creating custom dance gear, you name it. So, anything and everything that is a personalized service for people that love dancing & moving to a rhythm should go into this section.

Why can I not add anything to the Second Hand or Service Exchange area?

If you don't see a yellow button in the right corner with a "+", then you must be on iOS. In order for us to not have to pay comission on the premium price you'd be paying to promote your services, unfortunatelly, iOS does not let us to put any premium related information into the app. So in order to become premium, please log in to Dance Unites Us via this website (click the "Make a Move" button at the top right) and there, click on the bracelet icon on your home screen which will lead you to the premium page from where you can sign up to become a premium member. Once you're signed up as premium, you can go back to the iOS app and access all the premium features there as well. Sorry for the inconvenience here!

What's the difference if I post as "my member account" or "my business account"?

If you have a website where you're normally promoting your services (or looking for people to add to your team), then best post as "my business account" as that will give you the option to add your business name and also your business website. Meaning, that once your content is approved, your business name will show as the creator of that content and people will be able to click on it and get lead to your business page.